THE END of an era.
As of August 31, 2024 we have closed our Brick & Mortar location in Orland Park Crossing.
In time, we will revert back to our original online model with the hopes of returning when the economic climate is more favorable to small business.
We are sad.
At the same time, we are overwhelmed with gratitude and so many memories we will cherish for years to come.
As a mom first, I needed to make a really tough decision to do what was necessary to provide for my kids.
Sometimes that means putting our dreams, hopes, and wants to the side.
I was blessed with an opportunity 3 years ago that changed the entire course of my life. While this is a tough loss, I've gained so much more in the process. This is just another chapter in what's still unfolding for Pomp + Chic, and my endless pivoting.
Stay Tuned.
It's not a setback, it's redirection.
*online orders are still being fulfilled, ALL SALES FINAL*